Renate Zentschnig took part in an online discussion with Els Viaene, Flavien Gillié and Justin Bennett about listening in the time of Corona.
Tuesday 11/05/2021 Renate Zentschnig took part in an online discussion with Els Viaene, Flavien Gillié and Justin Bennett about listening in the time of Corona.
Has the sound of our environment changed during the last year, or is it our listening that has changed?
If the press is to believed, many people noticed that they could hear better during the lockdown. They reported hearing birds that they’d never heard before, being able to hear clearer and further than normal. Was it the grounded aeroplanes? the lack of commuter traffic? Were more birds inticed into the inner cities, now that it was quieter? Did the virus re-calibrate our ears? Or did we just have more time to listen?
Developed by and in collaboration with Jubilee – platform for artistic research and production