Launch: Homing inside out – A listening guide for home quarantine

Homing inside out
Homing inside out – A listening guide for home quarantine

Together with STEIM, The Mystifiers and a team of artists Soundtrackcity produced a listening guide to experience your home in a completely new way. Due to the Covid-19 situation, we are challenged to stay at home as much as possible. Homing inside out provides a collection of scores for a do-it-yourself home expedition filled with listening-exercises.

Instead of suggesting just one way of listening we asked different makers and professionals to share their perspective on listening, creating a very diverse collection of listening scores to help tune you into all the sonic richness inside your home. Created by Soundtrackcity, STEIM, The Mystifiers, Vivian Mac Gillavry, Michiel Huijsman, Sharon Stewart, Guy Wood and Renate Zentschnig.

Urban Sound Lab

This guide is loosely based on the concept of the listening guide of Urban Sound Lab for the Sarphatipark.

World Listening Day

The Listening Guide is launched on World Listening Day, July 18th at Public Library OBA de Hallen, Amsterdam. One of the scores from Homing inside out was performed in the Public Library at World Listening Day. A registration of the event is posted on the Soundtrackcity vimeo channel.

After July 18th the guide is free to download as PDF via this webpage. A limited hardcopy edition, carefully printed on eco-friendly paper stock, will be available for 2,50 euros. Order your copy/-ies by sending an Email to Please mention the number of copies you would like to recieve.

  • Launch Homing inside out
  • Saturday, July 18th, 16:30 hour
  • Public Library OBA De Hallen, Hannie Dankbaarpassage 10, 1053 RT Amsterdam
  • English, Dutch
  • Yes



Created by Soundtrackcity, STEIM, The Mystifiers, Vivian Mac Gillavry, Michiel Huijsman, Sharon Stewart, Guy Wood and Renate Zentschnig.

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