In 2021 we asked people from Buitenveldert, from the Zuidas and from South to record sounds at locations they know well. For example, sounds that they find beautiful and striking or sounds that they hear every day. We have selected 8 special locations and set out a walking and listening route along these locations. It is a special route; you walk through very different sound atmospheres and experience how diverse the Zuid district sounds. Just like with our previous walking and listening guide ‘Beatrixpark: On an expedition to the listening horizon‘, you will also get to work with sound in this walk! For this we have devised a number of listening assignments that help you to listen more intensely and in a more focused way.
The presentation of the audio guide will take place on Friday 25 February from 15.30 – 17.30 in De Botanical Garden Zuidas. The listening guide will be available upon release (cash payment), or pre-order now.
You are most welcome to attend and raise your glass with us to the new listening guide. The number of participants is limited due to corona, ensure yourself of a place by sending an email to